The Philips VS 3 Certified Refurbished Vital Signs monitor
Comes with BP, Spo2, Temp, And Printer
6 months warranty
Time-saving features to simplify tasks
The innovative pop-up screens, fixed keys, and icon-based menus provide quick access to frequently used features. A trim knob provides easy navigation through settings.
Improved battery management clearly shows status
A clearly visible icon is lit when the battery is plugged in/charging so that caregivers can easily see when the device is available for use.
Scrollable list of patient records stores up to 400 records
Easily scroll to your patient's record. Up to 400 patient records can be stored on this monitor.
QuickCheck to simplify workflow
Caregiver authentication and patient record validation at the bedside, plus patient record review before export to EHR simplifies clinician workflow.